Bio-Cashews aus Tansania

From Nature with Love

From nature with love

BIOTAN ist ein Verarbeiter und Exporteur von Bio-Cashews

Unsere Fabrik ist in Dar es Salaam und wir beziehen unsere Bio-Cashews von Kleinbauern in der tansanischen Küstenregion. Wir organisieren unsere Bauern in Bio-Erzeuger-Gruppen, die uns mit den einzigartigen Tansanischen Cashew-Kernen beliefern.

Wir orientieren uns an ökologischen und ethischen Wirtschaftspraktiken und unser Ziel ist ein nachhaltiges Unternehmen entlang der Wertschöpfungskette von der Bio-Cashew-Erzeugung und -Verarbeitung bis zum Export und Handel.


Keine synthetischen Pestizide und Düngemittel, Förderung der Biodiversität


Faires Einkommen und faire Arbeitsbedinungen für alle Teilnehmer in der Wertschöpfungskette


Nachverfolgbarkeit durch Transparenz und Dokumentation


Gesundheit und Nachhaltikeit für Mensch, Tiere und Umwelt

Unsere Arbeitsschritte

Der Weg der Bio-Cashews von der Farm zum Verkaufsregal ist lange

Es braucht viele Schritte von der Farm in Tansania zum Verkaufsregal im Geschäft. Hier erklären wir kurz die einzelnen Phasen von der Ernte bis zu Verpackung.

Harvesting & Sun Drying

Farm level


Cashew apples are usually collected after they have ripened and fallen from the tree. After that they are dried in the sunlight for several days so that they can be stored for processing.

Sizing and Steam cooking

Processing factory

Sizing & Steaming

The first step in processing is sizing the raw cashew kernels into different sizes. Then they are treated with hot steam for 20 minutes in order to prepare them for shelling.


Processing Factory


Now it comes to the very complex process of shelling. At BIOTAN we have automatic machines for this step but also we do manual shelling for the very big kernels and very small kernels which come out unshelled from the machines.

Drying & Peeling

Processing Factory

Drying & Peeling

Now the kernels have to be dried so that the testa, a thin skin as we know it from peanuts, can be easily rubbed off in the next step by a machine.

Sorting & Grading

Processing Factory

Sorting & Grading

Now the kernels are sorted into different sizes and colors and separated from brokens. Rests of testa are removed and made ready for packaging.

Vacuum Packaging & Shipping

Processing Factory

Vacuum packing & Shipping

In a final sept we pack them in vacuum bags of 25 pounds. Two vacuum bags fit into one box and 700 boxes are shipped in one 20 feet container.
+ 0
Tonns processed
+ 0
Organic farmers
+ 0
Employees in the factory
+ 0
Containers per year

Organic Cashew Nut Processing Factory

In our processing factory at Mbagala Industrial Area/Dar es Salaam we handle more than 2,000 tons of Organic Raw Cashew Nuts per year. Our team includes more than 320 people who work in different sections from shelling, drying, peeling up to sorting and grading. (s. fotos above)

Organic grower Groups

Our organic certified farmers are organized in a so called “Organic Grower Group”. Most of the farmers are very small scale farmers with only a few acres of land.

Demo & Research Farm

Our Demo & Research Farm at Vikindu/Vianzi in Mkuranga district is a location where we started various activities to demonstrate innovative ways of organic cashew nut farming. We also started research about pest control, farming technics and new ways of high density plantation.


Our Company has a Organic Certificate according to EU and North America Regulations.

Certified by ECOCERT SA – TZ-BIO-154